What is ngo and how do work this hi frnds riendssI am Rohit manager of Maurya Sanstha So now I want to tell about of ngo Ngo is very famous in the world for help of all poor peoples . Be can help of peoples by ngo. There are many types of NGOs.Bingo business friendly International Ngo Cso civil society organization Dongo Donor organized NGo ENGO environmental NGO Ingo International NGO GONGO government operated NGO Tango technical assistant NGO assistance NGO Gso grassroots support organization mango market advocacy NGo Charts Community Health and rural development society We should help the poor and also serve them. We should teach poor children and help them. And we have to make all the people aware to help the poor. And we can only laugh at the faces of poor children. We know that today there are some poor farmers who cultivate their children by education and win their own lives.That is why he can not give further education to his children so ...
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